How can you be more productive on public transport?

Commuting is one of the most time-consuming activities that most people do not take advantage of. For the average American, going to and from work takes around one hour, which can result in hundreds of wasted hours each year. Here are a few things to do to help you become as productive as possible while you're in transit.

Make someone's day

Most of us today are introverts, and I know you're probably already frowning just at the thought of this, but trust me, it'll definitely help you.

Next time you're on your way to work, take a look at the people around you and start talking to someone. This can be a compliment such as “That's a really nice jacket!” or a question like “How was your day?” Here's a detailed guide.

Even though little social interactions like this might seem unnecessary, studies have shown that they actually make both you and the person you talk to feel better. Not to mention that this is a great way to build social skills, which are of great significance in today's very shy world.

Expand your vocabulary

A rich vocabulary gives you more ways to express yourself and discover new interests. Learning new words is also a great way to improve your memory, especially as you get older.

One of my favorite things to do on public transport is to open up Merriam-Webster's games and quizzes section and see how clueless I am! Even if you don't like big words, it's actually really fun.

Read something

If you're anything like the rest of us productivity nerds, you love reading! Books are a treasure trove filled with knowledge and stories that inspire you to think about your life and how to improve yourself.

In the 21st century, reading is easier and more widely spread than ever. Even if you don't own a paperback or Kindle edition of a book, you can read it on your phone or even listen to an audiobook if you prefer.

P.S. I'm currently reading The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. It's a super sweet philosophy book, and I can't recommend it enough.

Work on your math skills

In the smartphone era, we often rely on calculator apps to calculate even the simplest things, such as 30 + 89. It's actually embarrassing in my opinion!

There are plenty of smartphone apps that help you practice math. It's really impressive to see someone calculating big numbers like it's nothing, and it definitely ought to improve your brain health and performance, so get calculating!

Complete a task

Public transport is a great place to complete small tasks such as studying, doing homework, writing a blog post, or basically anything else you can do on the fly.

For example, every time I'm on the bus, I go through my Japanese vocabulary flashcards. It's a time-consuming task, so doing it while commuting allows me to do other, more important tasks when I get home.

Think about life

Looking at all of the people passing about in the city can really get you thinking about who you are and how little you truly are in this world.

Next time you're commuting, I want you to think about who you are and what defines you. If you don't like who you currently are, think about where you want to go and devise a plan to get there.

When you get back home, make a small but meaningful step in that direction. For example, if you're currently overweight, try to do a single push-up. The important thing is realizing that you can do something about the things you don't like about yourself and that you can change for the better.

I hope you have a wonderful day : )

By Marko: February 18, 2023.